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4 Benefits of
Violin Lessons for kids

4 Benefits of
Violin Lessons for kids

Why violin lessons for kids? There are SO many reasons why learning to play the violin is a beneficial part of a child’s development, so we helped you out by compiling four that we think are pretty great.

Music is FUN!

This is where it all begins. Before the physical coordination and emotional depth that comes with advanced musical ability, we start with the essence of music itself – music is FUN! Making the transition from listener to performer is a wonderful journey that is meant to be enjoyed along the way. At our studio, we focus on ensuring our students are making forward progress while enjoying the journey, too!

Teaches valuable life skills

The process of learning an instrument takes the student on a journey developing important life skills such as routine development, critical thinking and analysis, persistence, and many others. Students successful at learning the violin can apply those same exact principles to any endeavor or pursuit in life and be the better for it!

Enhances neurological development

There have been numerous studies showing that playing a musical instrument is good for your brain! “Playing the violin – which, like many instruments, requires the right hand to do something different than the left–  uses the peripheral nervous system, which controls movement of your fingers, as well as gross and fine motor skills. The brain’s executive function – which plans and makes decisions – is involved as a musician plays one part but keeps focus on what’s coming next.  Couple that with the total sensory input – visual, auditory, emotional and all at the same time – and it becomes a total “workout” for the brain.” Penn Medicine News

Academic advantages

The violin and music in general also have a large impact on academics. The College Entrance Examination Board found that students involved in public school music programs scored 107 points higher on the SAT’s than students with no participation. In addition to the clear statistical advantage, music students tend to have a more developed sense of sustained mental focus, which is critical at mastering any skill one undertakes.

Without a doubt, learning to play the violin is beneficial to a child’s fullest mental, physical, and emotional development and there is no better way to nurture that than violin lessons. At Boruff Violin Studio, we LOVE that we get to help so many students take the first step on their musical journey, and we look forward to the opportunity to do the same for many more. If you’re interested in violin lessons for your child, send us a message below or give us a call!